This rose is a true work of nature, with unique colouring that changes its shades depending on the flowering period and weather conditions. The Purple-lilac petals can turn into deep mauve-purple or soft lilac-lavender shades, which makes the flower particularly expressive and unique. The large flower is perfectly preserved in the cut, ideal for bouquets and floral compositions. The rose forms a compact, upright bush with glossy dark green foliage, creating a harmonious and elegant arrangement. The fragrance may be light or absent, but the rose itself is highly decorative and will look spectacular both in single plantings and in group compositions.
Flowering: lush, repeated waves. Blooms single flowers or inflorescences of 1−3 pieces. Colour: purple-violet shades or lilac-lavender. Disease resistance: good.
Choice of planting location: Roses are sun-loving plants, so choose locations that are sunny most of the day. Ensure that the location is protected from wind.